• Quantum Diversity Initiative a Grand Success

    Kasra Sardashti Brings Summer Program to UMD to Promote Diversity in Quantum Research. The facilities and researchers at the LPS Qubit Collaboratory and Quantum Materials Center (QMC) created a new
  • The Green Future of Telecom

    Researchers in QMC, in collaboration with researchers from Brookhaven National Lab, Max Plank Institute, and JQI, demonstrated a strong nonlinear optical response in atomically thin semiconducting WSe₂. They showed that a
  • Gold in the water

    Congratulations to Yash Anand for winning a 2024 Goldwater Scholarship! Yash is an undergraduate student in the Gemstone program in the Honors College and is actively involved in quantum materials research at QMC. Yash joins a
  • 2024 Carr Lecture by Jochen Mannart

    This year's W. J. Carr Lecture Series on Superconductivity and Advanced Materials will be presented by Prof. Jochen Mannhart from the Max Planck Institute of Solid State Research in Stuttgart,
  • 1
  • Absence of a bulk signature of a charge density wave in hard x-ray measurements of
    CS Kengle, D Chaudhuri, X Guo, TA Johnson, S Bettler… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
    14 days ago - The long-sought pair density wave (PDW) is an exotic phase of matter in which charge density wave (CDW) order is intertwined with the amplitude or phase of coexisting, …
  • Itinerant -type antiferromagnetic order in
    HC Mandujano, GS Salas, T Li, PY Zavalij… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
    14 days ago - We present the magnetic behavior and resulting transport properties of TaSe 2 when intercalated by magnetically active cobalt cations. Acting as the layered host, TaSe 2 …

Upcoming Events

17 Oct
QMC Colloquium: Shenqiang Ren, UMD
Date 10.17.2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
21 Oct
PHYS838C Seminar: Thomas Wong
10.21.2024 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
24 Oct
QMC Colloquium: Kai Liu, Georgetown
10.24.2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
28 Oct
PHYS838C Seminar: Nadav Shaibe
10.28.2024 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
31 Oct
QMC Colloquium: Jin Hu, University of Arkansas
10.31.2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Contact Info

QMC is an interdisciplinary research center located in the Department of Physics
at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Director: Johnpierre Paglione

Phone: 301.405.8285
Fax: 301.405.3779
Email: qmc@umd.edu

A Message from the Director

JP coverThe Maryland Quantum Materials Center supports cutting-edge experimental research in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Maryland. Including a diverse range of faculty, research scientists, graduate and undergraduate students, QMC researchers are working on topics ranging from the search for new quantum materials to the design of new electronic devices that work on new physical principles.

The research done today in QMC will have an impact on the technological challenges of tomorrow, from high-speed computing to energy generation, storage, and transfer. QMC provides an exciting, collaborative environment for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to receive excellent training for careers in science and technology. Please take a look at the rest of this website to find out more about our exciting center!

--Johnpierre Paglione, Director