QMC Colloquium: Greg Boebinger, NHMFL

QMC Condensed Matter Colloquium
11.21.2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


TITLE:  What’s going on at optimal doping in high-temperature superconductors?”   
ABSTRACT:  High magnetic fields are employed in many experiments to suppress high-temperature superconductivity and, thus, reveal the behavior of the underlying – and strikingly abnormal – normal state that gives rise to high temperature superconductivity in the cuprate and iron-based families of high-temperature superconductors.  We will survey phenomena that the data from high magnetic fields suggest are linked to optimum doping, including a peak structure in the Hall number, quasiparticle mass enhancement*, and linear-magnetoresistance**.

* Camilla Moir, et al. Nature Quantum Materials (2019).  DOI: 10.1038/s41535-018-0144-x

** Paula Giraldo-Gallo, et al. Science (2018).  DOI: 10.1126/science.aan3178

Host: Paglione/Butch

Refreshments at 1:30 pm -  1117 John S. Toll Bldg